What father among you, if his son asks for a fish, will instead of a fish give him a serpent; or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion? If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!” (Luke 11:11-13)
Today we consider Fathers’ Day. Although it started in 1910, Father’s Day was largely ignored as a nation until it was made a permanent national holiday in 1972. It is unclear why a day honoring fathers had a tough time getting traction, since the role of a father is crucial in a family.
Jesus touches on this importance when he describes how a good father cares and provides for his children. In his example, Jesus says that when the children of a good father are hungry, the father knows to give them healthy things and not hurtful things. Jesus then reminds us that if a sinful earthly father knows how to take care of his children, how much more does a perfect loving Heavenly Father know how to care for His children.
The good news is that God our Father loves us more than we will ever understand, and he knows how to best take care of his children. He also invites us to come into his presence as much as we want and share our concerns with him through prayer.
What five words would you use to describe what a good father should be like? How well do those words describe your father? How well do they describe YOU?
This Father’s Day, be sure to thank your father for all he has done for you. If you have any children, talk to them about what it means to you to be their father. Finally, go to your knees in prayer and thank your Heavenly Father for the care He provides you with every day.
Father, thank you for watching over me, and providing for me at the right time in all circumstances. Help me to show that same love to my family. Amen.