Check back each Monday for a short devotional with Chaplain Art Pace to help you start the week off well.
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.
(Eph 2:10)
This one verse by the Apostle Paul is overflowing with profound truths.
Paul reminds us that each of us is unique. We are not victims of our past. We are new creatures, born again, created anew by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We are His workmanship, and He does not make mistakes!
But Paul goes on to remind us for what reason we were made: to do good works. By good works he means God works, those actions that are acceptable and pleasing to our Lord. God has ordained a mission for each of us, regardless of our circumstances. And that mission will involve doing good things that glorify our God.
Because our Savior created us to do God works, then we must be careful to actually do them. Paul calls that walking in them. It is not enough to know the right thing to do. It is crucial that we put legs to our calling.
As Easter approaches, each of us needs to assess how well we are walking in the ways of God. We then need to make whatever course corrections are necessarily to get us back on point in doing what God has asked of us. It is the perfect Easter gift to give to our Lord!
What am I doing so that others can see Jesus in me? What God works have I done this past week?