Check back each Monday for a short devotional to help you start the week off well.
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6-7)
Too many times I have heard Christians say they have done all they could about their situation, and now all they can do is pray. How sad is it for Christians to view prayer as a last resort! So many times we are tempted to believe that the solution to our issues rests on our shoulders alone. We turn to God in prayer only when we have exhausted all other avenues. We worry needlessly. It is time to turn to God first!
In today’s verses, the Apostle Paul gives us this order that comes with an incredible promise. Paul is encouraging Christians to pray more. The word supplication means to strongly but humbly ask for something.
According to these verses for today, what are we to worry about? What are we to pray about? What kind of attitude are we to have as we make our requests known to God?
Notice the last part of these verses. The word ‘guard’ here is a military term that means to stand sentry. What promise does the Apostle Paul offer to us here? What two things will be guarded?
Today is the day to take the rocks out of our rucksacks. Let us turn our worries and concerns over to God in prayer.
Loving Father, forgive me for doubting you, and for not coming to you sooner. Take my worries from me, and fill me with your peace and hope. Amen.